by | Jun 20, 2024 | Blog
Are you struggling to save money? Have you been wanting to save money for some time, but don’t seem to be able to put anything aside each week or month? Five Money Saving Tips Here are five tips to help you save money each month. That way when those...
by | Jun 13, 2024 | Blog
Wait…what, you want me to be comfortable with being uncomfortable? You are probably thinking, “that doesn’t sound good to me”. I hear you, but stay with me. Does money conversations make you uncomfortable? You can learn from discomfort. Sometimes we have to do...
by | Jun 6, 2024 | Blog
Financial awareness leads to mental and emotional freedom. Awareness and Money Thoughts May times when we are dealing with our money and finances, we feel overwhelmed. We may wonder, why don’t have this figured out? Or, I am not good with money! Or, whatever...
by | May 30, 2024 | Blog
The money we have in the bank, size of our house, or the car we drive doesn’t give us more value or worth than the next person. Who has more value? Let’s look at a couple examples to start off. Person 1: they $1000 in the bank, has a mortgage, but no other debt....
by | May 23, 2024 | Blog
A Certificate of Deposit is a savings account that has a fixed term. You earn a fixed interest rate for a fixed amount of time on the funds you put into it. What is a Certificate of Deposit? A certificate of deposit (CD) is a type of savings account you invest an...