Create your own happiness

I used to shut down from anxiety.

There was a time when I was so worried about what others thought about who I was, my age, my body, my personality, what I might say. It was keeping me from living the life I truly wanted to live.

I used to suffer from severe social anxiety.  It would shut me down, stop me in my tracks.  I wouldn’t go to social events, or go be around my friends, because I was so in my own head about what others might be thinking about me.  I was so wrapped up in worrying about what people thought about how I looked or, what if I said the wrong thing?  What if I did something that made me look silly? I told myself I wasn’t pretty enough, I wasn’t thin enough, I wasn’t worthy, I don’t deserve it.  I would come up with all the reasons as to why I couldn’t be around people. 

Does that sound all too farmilar?

Ask yourself, What is holding me back? Why I am I not happy with myself and my life?

So many of us think we need to accomplish a certain thing, reach a certain goal, look a certain way, the list goes on, in order to have real happiness.  Guess what?  We can create our own happiness right now. We can decide to be happy with all the amazing things we have in our life. We create happiness from our thoughts’. Trust yourself and believe that you are enough, you are worthy and valuable just as you are.  Believe in yourself that you can do hard things, you can do things you have never done before.

Is there a goal you have for yourself, but you haven’t achieved it?  Maybe you keep finding excuses to not even start.  Why? 

It is because of your thinking and all the things you keep telling yourself.  Our thoughts always create our results.  Whatever we focus on we create.

What do you want to create?  How do you want to see yourself? 

Take a moment to think about it and be curious. Where do you see yourself in the future? Who is the future you?

How to go from anxiety to happiness?

It all changed when I realized I was in control of my thoughts. My thoughts were causing me to feel anxious or unworthy. I learned the tools to shift my thinking, which changed the emotions I had in my body. I started living the life I truly desired all along. I learned that I actually have control and the power to decide for myself who I am and what I want, that is when the shift happened.  I started to believe in myself and work towards the things I truly desired.  I want this for you too. 

It is time to release yourself from all the pressure we are put under about our age and our bodies. It is time to stop worrying about what other’s might be thinking and take control of what we are telling ourselves about ourselves. You can release the anxiety and truly love who you are.

Who do you tell yourself you are now? Who do you want to be? How do you want to see yourself?