by | Jul 25, 2024 | Blog
Why do most people not make progress in their finances? They don’t have a strong enough “why”. Why do you want to work on your finances? I would bet that your why is deeper than just getting out of debt, or saving money. I bet you are tired of...
by | Jun 20, 2024 | Blog
Are you struggling to save money? Have you been wanting to save money for some time, but don’t seem to be able to put anything aside each week or month? Five Money Saving Tips Here are five tips to help you save money each month. That way when those...
by | Apr 4, 2024 | Blog
A Sinking fund is a way to save up for large expenses. An Emergency fund is for unexpected expenses. What is the more detailed differences of sinking vs. emergency funds? Lets start with a Sinking Fund. This fund is an account which you create to save for a specific...
by | Mar 28, 2024 | Blog
Unexpected expenses are going to happen, but you can be ready with your emergency fund. Life is going to happen; you can turn the emergency into an inconvenience. What is an Emergency Fund? An emergency fund is a specific bank account you use to set aside money for...
by | Feb 22, 2024 | Blog
To live within your income or within your means, you must keep your expenses at or below your actual income. When you do, you can avoid a lot of stress brought on by financial challenges. What can you do it live within your means? Have a budget. It is important to...