As we age so many of us give way to the “number” of years we have been alive. We let that number mean something about ourselves and we let it define us. We let the number hold the power of what “will happen to us” at that age. We let it hold the power as to what we can or can’t accomplish or start doing.

You don’t have to; YOU hold all the POWER. You hold the power with managing your mind. It all starts in the brain and your thoughts. When we manage our mind, our thoughts, we can accomplish anything.

You may be thinking “I have worked my entire life at …”, fill in whatever that is for you, but haven’t achieved it. Maybe you have a goal that you have been thinking about and longing to put into motion, but haven’t. Why? What is holding you back?

When you think about a goal or possibility for yourself it may seem beyond your reach, beyond what you are capable of. When we set a goal, create a possibility for ourselves and truly believe it in, then it is as good as done.

That may sound all well and good, but you are probably still asking, how do I do that?

First, we have to manage our thoughts.

Second, remove any blockages keeping you from believing that you can’t achieve your goal.

Third, focus on the goal, it gives you direction, gives the brain something to focus on deliberately.

We have to manage our minds around that goal and truly believe. You will have to work through the obstacles keeping you from reaching that goal.

At the beautiful and amazing age, you are, what is a goal you have for yourself? Here are some examples:

Prioritize your health

Prioritize self-care, including mental health needs which feeds directly into your physical health

More Self-Confidence

Improve intake of Nutrient Rich Foods

Have better work-life balance

Increase movement and exercise

Improve Sleep

The list is truly endless. So, what goal or possibility are you creating for yourself?