What is Your Financial Why?

What is Your Financial Why?

Why do most people not make progress in their finances?  They don’t have a strong enough “why”.   Why do you want to work on your finances?  I would bet that your why is deeper than just getting out of debt, or saving money. I bet you are tired of...
Where do Our Money Beliefs Come From?

Where do Our Money Beliefs Come From?

What are your money beliefs?  Have you ever stopped to really think about what you really believe or think about money? Things We Inherit We inherit things from our parents and grandparents, such as eye color, hair color or type, interest in sports or other...
Money – A Balanced View

Money – A Balanced View

Life, friendships, and relationships with our partner are more important than money. Do You Get Upset Over Money? Today money is a necessity in life, but it I doesn’t have to be a source of disagreements and arguments. We have to have money to survive in daily life,...